i was sleeping in the restaurant while my parents ordered food. the waitress must have thought me some sort of overgrown sullen child. i woke up when they served the starters, but when i saw nothing to my liking, i went back to sleep. only woke up when the food they had ordered for me arrived.
i fell asleep the moment i touched my bed. failing to feed or walk the dog before doing so.
yes, very tired out by the kids.
but, they are a sweet bunch, i like them. the primary 3's. quite a bit guai-er than i expected. Thank God for the help of Lois and Janice, the ratio is very good, 5 kids to the 3 of us. and yet i'm still tired! sounding perky and cheerful all the time takes a lot out of me. Thank you God for the good weather and that none of my kids ran off and fell into the crocodile pit or got sat on by an elephant or anything.
i'm awake at 4am, though we begin at 7:30am again today. this is because my dog was howling at about 2:30am, which woke me up, which made me realise he hadn't been walked or fed. turns out someone fed him and he'd pooped and peed in the living room. sigh. so first things first, i walk him, in case he still needs to pee. then i clean up the pee and poop, pee is always worse. while i've left him un-coned in the time i'm cleaning up, he manages to bite himself to a state of raw bleeding flesh, again. so i clean him up and while i'm at it, attempt to cut his nails. he yanks his foot away at the wrong moment, i cut too deep and his nail starts bleeding. sigh.
i imagine it would be very hard to be a parent. my dog only acts up like this when i forget to feed/walk him, about twice or three times a year maybe. an infant would keep the parents up for months, years at a stretch, i'd imagine. well, at least the poop and pee would be contained. its easy to see how poop and pee can become a very normal topic for parents and dog owners. poop and pee. pee and poop.
so after settling my dog, i desire a bath. but its 4 am and i can't use the toilet in my parents room (the only one with a working heater) cos i'll wake them up. i don't want to sleep in my icky state, but i have a long day ahead tomorrow. heck. just check email first. and then i find out, contrary to what i've been telling everyone, that i am not going to bham alone afterall. chey, now then say. apparently, there are 3 of us. IRO only put me in touch with 1 of them. i wonder why they have to be so secretive about it, seems a little over-cautious. oh well. i hope this whoever is nice.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
tapioca. sweet and mushy or crispy and bland. depending on how you cook me.
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- Name: beckyboo
- Location: Singapore
i am extraordinary, if you ever get to know me, i am extraordinary, i am just your ordinary average everyday sane psycho supergoddess
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